Hello Giblinkers, I have just been featured on giblink inSite member spotlight so if any of you had come to visit my blog here I wanted to give you a warm welcome 🙂 I look forward to networking with you on giblink.. and my newest site which will launch February 12th called TalkMoola.. keep an eye out for it!
Here is a copy of the member spotlight for those of you who read my blog but are not a member of giblink:
Darren Olander
Founder/CEO, Grin Marketing Team
Visit his gibLink profile at: www.giblink.com/profiles/100592
Darren Olander has, at 22 years old, carved an impressive niche for himself and his unique approach to Internet Marketing. While staying true to a philosophy of honesty and ethics in business, he created the Get Rich Ideas Network (better known as GRIN) which allows him to share the lessons he’s learned with many others.
Additionally, Darren has truly distinguished himself as a leader in the gibLink community, and is the common denominator connecting an astonishing array of member advertisers who have Darren Olander to thank for opening the world of gibLink up even more. Good work, Darren!
Learn more about Darren at www.darrenolander.com.
See the GRIN Team up close at www.grinteam.com
Thanks gibLink! Also.. if you are not a member of giblink you can go here to check it out!
Have a great day!