I have great news about yet another feature added to our
site which will improve your results with our system.
From this point forward, whenever a new member joins our site
they will automatically receive a series of follow-up e-mails
explaining the benefits of the program and encouraging them
to get started using the system! They will receive these
different e-mails each day for one week after their registration.
(If you JUST signed up you may already know what I mean)
These e-mail are written to benefit YOU in getting your members
involved and excited to use our incredible system.
This last month I have also added three additional TESTED &
REVIEWED advertising sources for elite members in the “Ad
Testing & Results” section of the training back-office. You
must be an elite member to view these resources and find out
what is good… AND what is bad.
You also probably noticed that the design of the site has
been changing and improving over the last couple weeks. It is
now very straightforward and easy to use and follow with crisp
graphics and detailed instructions. The site is optimized for
best results!
I already have plans for much more in the future…
To Your Success,
Darren Olander
Founder of