It seems to be human nature to be attracted to the newest thing.
New stuff is exciting, isn’t it?
New is good, The problem is when we choose new because we assume new is somehow better.
In a lot of cases, new is NOT better, how many movie sequels have we been disappointed of?
How many new product versions have we purchased just because they are new, even though we know we’ll never use the new features?
How many new sites have died off shortly after the buzz fades?
New is often associated with hype, there is excitement and, whatever it is, shines.
The question should not be will this shine during it’s high point, but will it still REMAIN solid once the industry puts its eyes onto the next new thing?
I consider this a lot when choosing my advertising resources, for example, because I don’t want to spend a month or two using a site (or worse spending money there) only to see it taper off and be ineffective after that.
Choosing sites with sustainability, That saves us loads of time, and money!
It often comes down to the ownership, and one of the most dedicated owners in the list mailer industry is Stefan Berg…
Stefan’s The Lead Magnet site is proven and has been producing signups and sales for my sites week after week, month after month, for nearly two years.
If you’ve yet to use it, make sure to join today. If you are a member, make sure to maximize it. In fact, I highly recommend to grab the highest level, because it now has over 10,775 active members on the list you can advertise to.. and you want to be able to reach as many of them as often as you can.
To your success,
Darren Olander
P.S. Sometimes old is the smartest choice because you know what you’re getting, and it’s proven the test of time:
P.P.S. – Just a thought, as an affiliate have you been in the habit of promoting what’s hot and new? This week, try promoting something that’s established and “old” and see how it works out for you… You may be surprised at what you learn.