A teleseminar is essentially a group call that multiple people can tune in to and listen to at once, with two or more speakers on the call. Teleseminars are a great way to help get the word out about an upcoming event or product, or services or expertise that you can offer. When done correctly, a teleseminar can help you gain a lot of visibility and authority within a particular niche.
The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure you have great content. Without great content, nobody is going to take the time out of their day to tune in to your call and listen all the way through. One of the best ways to make sure you have great content is to ask your fans what they want and then follow through on it, structuring the teleseminar around their needs. You can still do this while promoting something else, of course.
If at all possible, make your teleseminar interactive – let listeners and would-be listeners know that they’ll be able to submit questions beforehand or ask questions on air. Knowing that their specific questions will be answered makes people much more excited about the event, and when they’re excited, they’ll share your teleseminar and promote it for you.
Another great way to get visibility is to interview an expert in your niche. Not only will this make fans eager to tune in so that they can listen to one of their favorite people (and, ideally, ask them questions), but the expert that you’re interviewing will share the teleseminar information with their people, exposing it (and you) to a much larger crowd than you would have been able to reach on your own. It can be daunting to ask someone with more knowledge, experience, and expertise than you to do a teleseminar with you, but chances are they’ll say yes – it’s promotion for them too, after all, and a chance for them to build up their credibility and authority even more.
Probably the most important aspect of gaining visibility is promotion of your teleseminar. You’ll want to do at least two posts about the teleseminar on your blog and two or more emails to your mailing list. Announce it to your people, remind them of it a day or two ahead of time, and possibly share the call recording afterwards. You’ll also want to make it easy for other people to promote for you, which they might end up doing if they get excited enough about it. Another idea is to give them incentives for promoting it – examples being an on-air giveaway. You could limit it only to people who are on the call, and give extra entries for each promotional tweet that they sent out. This might take a little more extra organization on your part, but is likely to help spread the word about your teleseminar at an incredibly fast rate and get you more listeners than you would have been able to get otherwise.