Well it didnt quite go like that..
I didn’t fire my boss on the spot.. I am giving a two week notice =)
That’s right, in two weeks I will be a FULL TIME NETWORK MARKETER!! Woohoo! This is a very exciting time in my life I wanted to share with you.
My last day of work will be December 26, 2006!
I know that I have had a lot of people try to contact me in the past (especially lately) and I haven’t been able to keep up with everyone. This
has been a big problem because I want to help everyone to the best of my ability every chance I get. Well now when I am able to work from home full time I will have the time for YOU! Just give me two weeks and I am ready for battle! š
After being able to quit my job I know that it is because of YOU, my downline members, who are supporting my living. I want to do the best
that I can to help you.. and you will see this!
Keep in touch, and if you would like to chat after I go full-time, just give me a ring or send me a message and i’m all yours.
Happy Holidays!
Darren Olander
P.S. I will write again and let you know when I am officially away from my J.O.B.!