Wow, time is flying by so fast!
I have been getting a lot of people thanking me and saying that they are amazed so far about the GRIN Team. Remember it is still the beginning, you are one of the very few first people to experience this system that is under development, and as time progresses more and more valuable tools and training will be added.
I will try to keep everyone up to date. In this period of the development I may not post daily updates but I will post at least every week or every few days on the development. This is because the duties are increased and to finish one full training step requires a lot of time and organization. I am sure you will anticipate every update and stick close so you can see the and experience the development of this system.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”
To your success,
Darren Olander – GRIN Team Leader