Hello Friends,
I really believe that the GRIN system is absolutely the best system out there to build up traffic and your downline, and even more so now… why?
Now GRIN is giving away 20 dollars in advertising to every single member! These are actual dollars that you can instantly claim (no billing information needed) for text advertising on the grinteam.com site. These text ads will be shown to other members of GRIN, and your 20 dollar balance is ONLY used when someone actually clicks on your ad – it is not spent by impressions – so these are real valuable visitors going to your site! You can advertise anything you want to our team (such as your primary business), this is how to get your 20 dollars worth of pay-per-click traffic:
1) Login at http://www.grinteam.com/login.shtml
*If you are not yet a member of GRIN then you can join at http://www.grinteam.com
2) on the top right of the page click the text “Your Ad Here for FREE”, you will be taken to Bidvertiser to set up your ad & account. Once you are set up your will be instantly credited with 20 dollars!
*please note that this is only available for new advertiser accounts for Bidvertiser. If you were a member of GRIN without a bidvertiser account you can claim this bonus.
This is just one more thing that GRIN has to offer 🙂
Darren Olander
Founder of GRIN